
View contemporary Chinese artworks on display in Riyadh

The exhibition will be on soon…

Riyadh and art go hand in hand, you really can’t get one without the other (not that we’re complaining). And now, we’re getting ready to check out a contemporary Chinese exhibition in Riyadh.

Set to happen at the new Saudi Arabia Museum of Contemporary Art in the JAX District, the exhibition will introduce 30 contemporary artists of Chinese origin to Saudi Arabia for the first time.

Entitled ‘The Writings of Today Are a Promise for Tomorrow,’ the contemporary Chinese exhibition in Riyadh will highlight the importance of writing as a cultural and societal practice in both Arabic and Chinese cultures.

Offering the public the opportunity to explore a unique collection of artworks loaned from renowned private collections, the display will also showcase site-specific works produced in Saudi Arabia for the exhibition.

The event will be open to the public in September and run until January. Admission tickets will be released soon on the Discover Culture platform.

Launched in November 2023 by the Saudi Ministry of Culture (MOC) acts as a platform to showcase the best art practices and contemporary artworks. The space empowers local artists and provides a venue for networking and exchanging knowledge.

We welcome new exhibitions as the season changes, and with the amount of gorgeous museums we have in our shiny capital, it’s hard to keep track of what’s on and where. Keep What’s On Saudi Arabia close and you’ll know just what to do.

Visit: @samocamoc/dc.moc.gov.sa